Connected vehicles
Vehicles are becoming increasingly further developed. Modern cars, motorbikes, motor scooters and bicycles are nearly always connected to the Internet. We call them ‘connected vehicles’ if this is the case. For example: a connected car. This connection makes many things easier, but also results in a massive data collection by connected vehicles.
On this page
Connected vehicles may collect and exchange all sorts of data. For example: about the weather, traffic, and roadworks. But also privacy-sensitive data about the user of the vehicle, such as where that person is and how that person drives. That is why a good protection of the privacy of users of connected vehicles, by both the manufacturer of the vehicle and the user(s) themselves, is important.
Related themes and subjects
Camera surveillance
Camera surveillance in traffic
Cameras along roads and motorways record number plates of passing vehicles. The police use these images for automatic number plate recognition (ANPR).
Internet and smart devices
Internet of things
In addition to PCs, laptops and smartphones, more and more other devices are connected to the Internet and communicate among themselves.Together, these devices make up the ‘Internet of Things’.