DPO information
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a relatively new position in the Netherlands. A DPO supervises the application of and compliance with the privacy legislation within an organisation. Currently, there are around 10.000 DPOs in the Netherlands. They have an independent position. Appointing and registering a DPO with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) is mandatory for some organisations.

Tasks and responsibilities
A DPO has above-average professional knowledge and skills in the areas of privacy legislation and the data protection practice
More about tasks and responsibilities
The DPO in your organisation
Appointing a DPO is mandatory for some organisations. Is it unclear whether you, as an organisation, are obliged to appoint a DPO? Then you have to substantiate properly why you have chosen to do or not to do this.
More about the DPO in your organisation
Registering a DPO
Did your organisation appoint a DPO? Then you have to inform the Dutch DPA of this. It is the task of the controller within your organisation to register the DPO.
More about registering a DPO
Tips and information
Starting points of DPO positioning
The law attaches clear requirements to the positioning of a DPO. For example, it is important that the DPO can independently monitor compliance with the GDPR in the organisation in question.
In addition to the statutory requirements, the Dutch DPA has also drawn up concrete starting points with regard to, among other things, the information position of the DPO, the resources that the DPO needs, and the access of the DPO to the board of the organisation.
View the starting points
Guidelines for the DPO
In April 2017, the European data protection agencies published the Guidelines on Data Protection Officers that provide a more detailed explanation about the DPO.
An official Dutch translation of the DPO guidelines is also available.
Guidelines on Data Protection Officers.
Contact with the Dutch DPA
The Dutch DPA will be happy to share our thoughts on dilemmas that you as a DPO encounter. We help you, as a DPO, in your important task of monitoring the design of and compliance with the privacy policy of your organisation.
By sharing questions and cases, we improve the protection of personal data.