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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: 'Computer says no' is niet genoeg

Aleid Wolfsen
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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: De slimste technologie is mensgericht

Aleid Wolfsen
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Tech blog post: the practical problems of trimming hashes

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Techblogpost: Praktische problemen bij het afknippen van hashes

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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: Als algoritmes discrimineren…

Aleid Wolfsen
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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: Slimmer dan uw online profiel

Aleid Wolfsen
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Blog Aleid Wolfsen: de muren hebben oren

Aleid Wolfsen
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Blog Aleid Wolfsen: Niet meer dan nodig

Aleid Wolfsen
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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: Om wakker van te liggen

Aleid Wolfsen
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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: Vrij

Aleid Wolfsen
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Privacyblog Aleid Wolfsen: Smartengeld

Aleid Wolfsen
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Quick answer

Do I have to apply for a permit for sharing criminal data of my staff within my group of companies?

No, but only if you meet these two conditions:

  1. You are only permitted to share criminal data on staff that is employed within your group.
  2. You must have asked the works council for consent before sharing the criminal data. This follows from Article 27, paragraph 1 under k of the Dutch Works Councils Act.