The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important privacy law. The GDPR ensures that personal data are well protected. Here you will find basic information about the GDPR, privacy and personal data.
Consumers can use various payment services. The providers of these payment services (payment service providers) then need access to consumers' payment data. These are sensitive personal data.
In some situations, organisations want to know if you can pay your bills before entering into an agreement with you. For example, if you want to rent a home or take out a loan. They are allowed to ask for your income data, or check your creditworthiness (credit check).
In sommige situaties willen organisaties weten of u uw rekeningen kunt betalen voordat zij een overeenkomst met u aangaan. Ze kunnen dan gegevens over uw inkomen opvragen of een kredietcheck doen.
In almost every bankruptcy, the estate contains personal data, such as customer files, member files or personnel files. Insolvency practitioners must handle this data with due care. They must also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)..
Bij vrijwel ieder faillissement bevat de boedel persoonsgegevens. Bijvoorbeeld klantenbestanden, ledenbestanden of personeelsdossiers. Daarom moeten curatoren zich aan de privacywet AVG houden.
What is the importance of privacy? What exactly are personal data? What exactly is ‘processing’? And what legislation is in place to protect privacy and personal data?