Doris (22) takes a firm stand now that she can only get access to the stockroom using a finger scan

Monitoring employees
Personal data

I am rather known for not mincing my words. All the same, I find that a little more difficult in the current situation at my work. For many years, I have been working in a sports shop with a large stockroom at the back. Last week, my manager had suddenly replaced the key lock with some sort of scanning device. Now we have to put our finger on the device to get access, every time we want to go into the stockroom.

Toen ik mijn baas vroeg waarom dit is – hij had het namelijk helemaal niet aangekondigd of iets – zei hij dat hij graag een beetje met zijn tijd meegaat en dat een vingerscan veel handiger is. 'Dan hoef je niet telkens naar je sleutels te zoeken.' Ook kon hij de voorraad op deze manier beter beschermen tegen diefstal.

I can quite understand that you want to secure everything properly as a shopkeeper.

Don't get me wrong, I like new gadgets too, and I can quite understand that you want to secure everything properly as a shopkeeper. Our stockroom had also been broken into at some time in the past. Yet – it is my fingerprint that we are talking about. And it is not that we need to secure life-threatening materials or something like that.
I just get the feeling that my manager has installed the finger scan out of suspicion towards the staff and is checking up on us in this way. It's not just about the access, you can derive a lot more from it. Because the staff room and the coat hooks are also in the storeroom. Based on the finger scans, you could therefore even deduct at what time you start and finish and how much time you take for your break, for example.

It's not just about the access, you can derive a lot more from it.

I have now asked my manager for more information about what happens with the data recorded by the device. I found that quite difficult, but I also know that I have some leeway. And besides, I am also doing it for my colleagues.
Some of them only work here during the weekends and have a temporary contract, so they may not dare to take a firm stand anyway. Or they don't think about it. I do feel a bit responsible for them. Besides, I sincerely think that it is quite normal to know what is recorded about us.

Besides, I sincerely think that it is quite normal to know what is recorded about us.

If I do not get an answer or am not satisfied, my next step will be asking for more information by email. In that case, I want to do it together with some other colleagues. After all, together you are stronger.

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